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Wickes Fundraising Quiz and Football Match for The Brain Tumour Charity

Wickes Fundraising Quiz and Football Match for The Brain Tumour Charity

Jason Savage26 May - 18:48
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Dynamos are hosting two great fundraising events for The Brain Tumour Charity on behalf of Wickes

Join us on Sunday 28th July from 6:30pm for a funtastic evening of quizzing. Entry is £3 per person with half the money going towards the cash jackpot and the other half going to the charity. The max. team size is 6 people. We will also be playing a cheeky game of bingo in the interval. Please remember to bring cash for your entry fee and to play bingo.

On Sunday 18th August it’s the annual Wickes charity football match. Kick-off is 5pm and entry is free. There’s a bouncy castle, ice cream van and other stalls to keep you entertained at half-time. After the game, there will be an auction and raffle in the clubhouse with lots of great prizes to be won!

Further reading